Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Overview/Walkthrough/Playable Characters and NPC!!

The level that will we will be looking at is going to be one of the starting zones that players will face during their play through parasite

Players will start of in a rather poor area of the city, known to most as the slums. Even though the idea of the game is to be within a city, players will be restricted via invisible barriers that don’t allow to player to explore if not on the corresponding mission.

Players will start off the first level talking to his farther which will give small hints to the backstory of Parasite. Shortly after your farther explains some backstory he will send you on your first mission through the city which will tie in as a tutorial.

To start the first mission off players are asked to go and buy a back-up generator core from the local pawn shop.  After setting out players will make their way to the pawn shop, leaning the basic movement abilities along the way.  At arriving to the pawn shop and after some quick dialogue players learn that the only way the shop owner will give him the generator core is if he retrieves him a certain plant from the forest to the north.
With players now being able to collect quests he continues forth on what seems like a simple trip to the forest, along the way he will come across a bakery store in which he uses the money his farther game him for the core to buy a sweet roll, this familiarizes players will a money and shop mechanics within the game.
After leaving the store we find our character run into some local thugs who want to take that sweet roll, the player is introduced to combat here and the early stages of your skills.

Upon leaving the combat scene the last window will show players how to sprint and climb various objects; players are able to test these various skills along their way to the forest as they will have access to a long open road and various climbable objects on the walls nearby.

Upon reaching the forest players are taken to a cut scene which shows a man from the manor meeting a very suspicious looking hooded being, you listen in to the conversation and once the zone is clear you flee back to the pawn shop to collect your reward.

After you have the core all is left is for players to return to his father’s base. This is all done through the cut-scene once players enter the forest

Playable Characters

Players will take control of a young inventor called Jimmy farther to an experienced steam inventor called Edward Tick who many believe to be Steam City’s true ruler.

This art-work is form league of legends and is none of my work, purely for reference material 

The above image shows the style that Jimmy is an agile fighter. He will take the form of a young adventure type character and along his journey gather new inventions for his combat and detective arsenal.

With Jimmy being a young inventor taking much from his father’s teachings, he is often experiment with various bits to try and create anything to help his people during the rough times, the most noticeable item players will come across while playing Jimmy is his high powered steam pistol. Now shooting steam doesn’t sound as lethal as a bullet or a club but when jimmy is the inventor it makes it anything but deadly.

NPC and Enemies

The following characters are ones that the player will interact with within their first mission ascending in the order they are met.

·         Edward Tick (your farther)

Edward Tick is the farther to Jimmy Tick who is our main playable character through the mission and game. He will also be the character giving Jimmy many of his missions in the early stages of the game.

·         Pawn Shop Pete (Pawn Shop dealer)

Pawn Shop Pete is one of the stores that Jimmy will first come across during his game-play, it is at these pawn shops that players can find items for inventions and is another character who will give Jimmy missions yet on a smaller scale than his farther.

·         Matalda  (bakery store assistant)

Matilda will play the role of a typical lovely joyful bakery woman, she will supply Jimmy with all the products needed to keep him healthy and i-shape during his story.

·         The Hooded Man

The hooded man is a character Jimmy will hear about a lot yet not have the pleasure of meeting. He is a man that is behind most of the miss-haps through the city and Jimmy will become much more familiarized with him through the game.

·         Manor lackey

The Manor lackey is an enemy jimmy will face quite often during end-game, it is these people who carry out the city’s ruler, the seeing of these lackeys is never good as for Jimmy and his people it often means trouble.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Manchester Reference Pictures

Some of the 180 pictures that me and Mark took on our fun day out in town for some reference.

Character Reference Pictures

Some pics from the internet of some game characters i found to be themed for the my style of game.

Pretty much the start of my walk through

Monday, 6 February 2012

Level Design Ideas

 Just some pictures of my process of my level coming to life, not very detailed but you can see the stages of how it came along.